matthew natural disaster


  1. why.ll not my personal choice for favorite colors it does look interesting with the black sky outlining every part of pink or purple (magenta?) though some parts like the car and balloon feel out of place and unaffected

  2. I like how you made every thing purple and also I like how you included my car in your picture. I think you can do a better job on editing.

  3. The colors are very vibrant and cool it really brings the viewer into the artwork itself.
    One critique I do have is the building falling doesn't look very real and you could have done a little better than what you had left it as.

  4. I like how you made the buildings light up purple, but the hot air balloon is light up like its flying in the middle of the day, and its just floating there, sideways, I would find one with a more head on angle and make it have a purple glow.


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